Vytautas Gapsys, Bert L. de Groot
Optimal Superpositioning of Flexible Molecule Ensembles
Biophysical Journal, 2013, Vol. 104, Issue 1, pp. 196-207
The software contains three methods for superpositioning of flexible molecule ensembles by
a) minimizing variance, minVar
b) minimizing variance and distance to a previous frame
c) minimizing variance and RMSD in the local neighborhood
Download minVar
The package contains:
To compile the software, Makefile needs to be modified by entering paths to the 1) Gromacs tools source folder; 2) Gromacs headers folder; 3) folder containing libgmx.a
Updates and bug fixes:
28/01/2015 v1.0.1: Added a 'precision' option for the .xtc output.
Please note that the software is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The author is not responsible for any losses or damages suffered directly or indirectly from the use of the software. Use it at your own risk.
Please send your bug reports, comments and suggestions to: vgapsys@gwdg.de.