QM/MM calculations on thymine dimer repair.
The major bottleneck of QM/MM MD simulation is that because of the
enormous computational effort involved, only processes at pico- to
nanoseconds timescales or faster can be studied
directly. Unfortunately, apart from a few exceptions, relevant
processes, such as chemical reactions occur at much slower timescales
and therefore are currently far out of reach for conventional QM/MM
The chemical flooding technique addressess this problem by inclusion
of a flooding potential onto the QM/MM potential energy surface. This
flooding potential locally destabilizes the educt state and thereby
significantly accelerates the escape from the initial energy minimum
without affecting the reaction pathway. A notable strong point of the
flooding approach is that no prior knowledge of the putative
transition is required. In particular no reaction coordinate,
transition, intermediate or product states have to be assumed or
guessed. Thus the method allows for the unbiased prediction of
transition pathways and product states.
Flooding involves two steps: first, the free enenergy landscape of the
system is approximated quasi-harmonically. Second, a multivariate
flooding potential Vfl is constructed from this approximation, which
serves to raise the bottom of the educt energy well, without affecting
regions of higher energy, and in particular, the barriers surrounding
the energy well, which determine the transition pathway.
For the quasi-harmonic approximation of the free energy surface,
linear collective coordinates are chosen. These coordinates are
obtained by priniciple component analysis (PCA). When a suitable set
of collective coordinates is choosen, a gaussian-shaped flooding
potential is constructed, such that its principal axes are parallel to
the collective coordinates.
Principal Component Analysis
We first need a set of collective coordinates that characterize the
relevant motions in the QM subsystem. The program g_covar computes the
covariance matrix of the fluctuational motion from an MD
trajectory. For obvious reasons we restrict the analysis to the QM
region. In addition, we will consider only the motions of the heavy
atoms. The covariance matrix is diagonalized, yielding collective
coordinates as eigenvectors.
g_covar -n qmmm.ndx -f traj_stepV.xtc -s
When asked, select the group heavy atoms for the fit and analysis.
The eigenvectors (or collective motions) can be visualized with
pymol. To this end we use g_anaeig to create a small trajectory of
these motions. For instance
g_anaeig -nframes 40 -first 1 -last 1
-n qmmm.ndx -extr vector1.pdb
again select "heavyatoms" group.
This yields a interpolated trajectory of the first collective degree of
freedom of the QM subsystem.
Constructing the flooding potential
We will use all collective coordinates, or eigenvectors to construct a
flooding potential. The flooding strength is 150 kJ/mol. The program
make_edi generates a sam.edi file with the
flooding parameters.
First download the make_edi program here
Make it executable:
chmod +x make_edi
, and then run it:
./make_edi -f eigenvec.trr -eig eigenval.xvg
-flood 1-48 -Eflnull 150 -outfrq 1 -s -n qmmm.ndx -tau 0
the -outfrq sets the frequency of writing output, which we want to
have at every step of the simulation. The resulting
sam.edi file is read in by mdrun to
perform the flooding simulation, as we will see next.
Next: | VII. The effect of electron uptake II, enhanced sampling with chemical flooding simulation | Previous: | V. The effect of electron uptake I |
updated 28/10/08