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Summary and Discussion

  We studied the conformational dynamics of a simplified protein model by molecular dynamics simulations at long time scales up to s. The model has been designed as a minimal model, intended to include only those structural elements, which can be assumed to be essential for the low-frequency dynamical properties of proteins. As shown by our simulations the model actually exhibits properties similar to those of more realistic protein models, such as tertiary structure, vibrational spectra, a hierarchy of time scales, and the occurrence of rare transitions between conformational substates.

Two effective descriptions for the conformational dynamics of the model, which both neglect memory effects, were compared with an explicit MD-simulation. To enable an analysis, a rigorous theoretical concept of conformational substates based on the notion of free energy landscapes has been formulated and applied.

The first model, a Langevin model, describing the dynamics within a certain conformational state at a picosecond time scale, could not reproduce conformational transition rates derived from MD-simulations. This failure was found to be due to memory effects, caused by correlations between many degrees of freedom, which strongly influence the short time scale dynamics within conformational states at the picosecond time scale.

The second description, a Markov model, aimed at an analysis of the protein dynamics at the much longer time scale of few hundred picoseconds. Here, the analysis of the distribution of conformational transition times suggested, that the conformational dynamics of our model does not exhibit memory effects.

These findings demonstrate a qualitative change in the dynamical behavior of our model protein, when proceeding from the short time scales, which are at present accessible by MD-simulations of realistic protein models, to longer time scales: whereas memory effects play a significant role at short time scales, they appear to vanish at longer time scales. As a result the slower conformational dynamics can be described by a master equation.

Care has to be taken in the attempt to generalize these results to the dynamical behavior of real proteins. As argued in the first part of Section gif, we expect the polymer chain of our simple model to be much more flexible than that of real proteins. Correspondingly, their conformational dynamics --- as far as collective motions of the polypeptide chain are involved --- should occur at slower time scales. For this reason, one can not conclude, that memory effects in protein dynamics are actually absent at that hundred picosecond time scale characteristic for conformational transitions of our model. However, the results do suggest that memory effects in the dynamics of proteins generally tend to vanish at long time scales. Furthermore, because enhanced rigidity of real proteins, the time scale of few hundred picosecond can be considered as a lower bound for the absence of memory effects.

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Helmut Grubmueller
Mon Nov 6 16:25:56 MET 1995